Nag, Nag, Nag: Its Time To Stop

There's a familiar tale that riders can't help but share over and over again - the story of taming the green horse.

This journey takes us through a labyrinth of challenges, where we evolve from steering every step to letting our equine partners flourish with their prowess. Yet one annoying melody tends to sneak into our interactions: the persistent hum of nagging. 

But fear not, fellow Holistic Equestrians, for in this blog post, we'll explore the art of releasing control, building trust, and crafting a symphony of communication free from constant pestering.

Every rider remembers their first encounter with a green horse. Those early days are painted with an enthusiasm to guide, teach, and mold the equine protégé into a seasoned performer. 

However, as any experienced rider knows, the struggle to relinquish the reins is real. We find ourselves trapped in a web of over-enthusiasm, gripping those reins like a lifeline and constantly directing every move. It's a bit like trying to steer a ship with a teaspoon - counterproductive and more than a little exhausting.

Picture this: you're on the back of your green horse, feeling an adrenaline rush as you both navigate the arena. But wait, are you truly giving your horse the freedom to showcase their talents, or are you slipping into the role of the relentless backseat driver? It's all too easy to slip into the nagging mode, where every stride, turn, and jump is accompanied by excessive use of legs and hands. While it might seem helpful at the moment, this constant chatter can overshadow the horse's instincts and learning process.

Now, let's turn the spotlight on to the real stars of the show - the horses. Like any relationship, the rider-horse dynamic thrives on trust, respect, and balanced communication. 

Instead of micromanaging the horses every move, kicking to keep them going because you know as soon as you stop your horse will stop, we look to move with our horse with flow and integration. The art lies in finding the balance between giving direction and allowing the space for your horse to respond. 

Think of it as a dance - first you follow your horse, then your horse follows you, then you move together. 

Ah, and patience - do we ever stop working on this?

As riders, we want results, progress, and flawless performance. But remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a harmonious partnership with your horse. Let go of the need for instant perfection and savour the small victories along the way. 

Celebrate that smooth turn, that graceful jump, and that moment of unspoken understanding. Trust takes time to blossom, and for Holistic Equestrians, it's worth every moment spent nurturing it.

As we bid farewell to the era of micromanagement and the haunting hum of nagging, let's welcome a new generation of partnership and communication with our green horses. The journey from directing every move to allowing our equine companions to shine is a challenge, but it promises growth, harmony, and a shared love for riding. 

Let's untangle ourselves from the web of control, embrace the symphony of cues, and dance into a future where our horses thrive and our hands rest easy on the reins. 

Happy riding, and remember, the best performances are born from the magic of trust!


Are you confusing submission for willingness?


You are in relationship with your horse whether you believe in it or not