Discover the 15 foundational exercises to develop the foundations of riding: rhythm and how you can use them to overcome resistance in the saddle like napping, stubbornness and refusing to move forward, and release stress and tension that can escalate to bolting and bucking.

It is finally here!!! And I promise to talk less!!

The first pillar of the training scale is rhythm, but do you actually understand what that means and how to implement it in training?

That is what you will be getting in our first ridden program

Holistic Equestrian

15 rhythm based exercises that focus on developing forwardness, relaxation and swing in the saddle without compromising our horses physical, mental or emotional soundness so that our horses enjoy and ask to be ridden. These exercises can be used in the arena, in the paddock or out on trails to help build the connection, communication and relationship in the saddle that we have worked so hard to establish on the ground.

  • Learn why your horse is refusing to move forward and being stubborn

  • Learn how to de-escalate your horse's tension and get them to start breathing in the saddle.

  • Start building a relationship in the saddle built on trust, confidence and communication

  • Become a more confident equestrian that can be an advocate for your horse, founded on a holistic and scientific knowledge-base.

What you are getting inside the holistic equestrian program?

Holistic equestrians and dancing unicorns is a 5-module program that walks you through the 15 exercises, so you can execute them in your own riding program to establish not only forwardness, relaxation and swing, but also connection and communication in the saddle.

“because we all crave that feeling….

the feeling that our horse loves being ridden as much as we love riding them.

i call that the unicorn moment.”

— Katie boniface, equestrian movement

As our very first Beta members, when you join us you will receive:

  • To help you develop, rhythm, relaxation, communication and swing in the saddle.

  • 10 weeks of live coaching sessions where you will be walked through the exercises and have an opportunity to ask questions.

  • To help your horse develop the skills to trust your hands, and seek your hands for balance and communication.

  • This is the first time we have taken this program from the daily running of the Equestrian Spirit School of Holistic Handling into an online format, so there are bound to be some tweaks in the future.

    Lifetime access guarantees you can keep updated with any new inclusions after the initial feedback round.

  • VALUED AT $1100!

    By becoming a beta tester for Holistic Equestrian & Dancing Unicorn, you will gain lifetime access to our flagship groundwork program "Holistic Horse Handling", so you troubleshoot what you may feel in the saddle on the ground as well.

  • To help you and your horse develop nervous system regulation, connection and communication through the social engagement system.

inside the program...

inside the program...

MODULE 1: What the heck even is rhythm and why do I care

1.1: What the heck even is rhythm and why should I care?

1.2: Developing forwardness

1.3: Developing your seat aids and finding rhythm in the saddle

1.4: Why  you need to “breathe the freeze” out of your lower back and how to do it 

1.5: Use your breath and seat aids to establish the halt

MODULE 2: Developing hands your horse can trust and relax into

2.1: Bit aids to offer balance to your horse

2.2: Straightness

2.3: Using seat aids for steering

2.4: Steering the shoulders not the head

2.5: How to use an aid your horse seeks and follows instead of bracing and pulling away from

2.6: What the heck is flexion?

2.7: Baby leg yields

2.8: How to use half halts to balance on a turn and increase maneuverability of the shoulders

MODULE 3: What does breath and energy have to do with it

3.1: What does it mean to have a hot seat

3.2: Finding efforting and being able to upregulate and downregulate our horses energy and speed with our body and aids

3.4 Upward transitions with our energy

3.5 Bringing the horse back to walk with our seat and breath

MODULE 4: Rider development

4.1: Fit ball exercise to improve the seat, sit trot and canter

4.2: Stacking your posture for balanced riding

4.3: Balance exercise for a secure and stable lower leg in post/rising trot

4.4: Developing the sit trot and using the seat for transitions.

4.5: Using the body and seat for steering

MODULE 5: Relaxation and swing

5.1 Aids for seeking the contact and opening the gullet

5.2 Aids for picking up contact and frame that get the thoracic sling to engage

5.3 Developing engagement and what it means

5.4 Developing thoroughness and what it means

Getting Start with developing rhythm, connection and communication in the saddle is as easy as 1.. 2.. 3..

enrol in

holistic equestrian program

Why you cannot afford to ignore that you are not moving in rhythm with them (despite all your horses' resistances and communications) :

the short & long term impact

Riding without awareness of moving in rhythm with your horse affects their balance and strains their body so that short term we see behavioural issues like bucking, bolting, napping and falling out through the shoulder on turns, long term we see soundness issues like bridle lameness, kissing spine, tight and sore through the back and working hollow

communication breakdown

Riders often misinterpret acceptance of contact with submission to contact resulting in communication break down

early retirement

Horses often need to be retired young before they really mature, grow into their body and excel in their discipline when their body is being strained by not understanding how to balance their rider and move in rhythm with them.

lost happiness

As a rider, riding becomes less and less enjoyable because we just can’t seem to get it together and move as a team under saddle.

frequent spelling

Horses are frequently needing to have time off and spelling because their body is adapting to protect itself by causing tension and lameness rather then developing strength and balance to move confidently to carry the rider

signs are obvious

When we don’t focus on the foundations of rhythm, connection, relaxation and swing, we will often have problems like the horse bucking into the canter, running through hand, or receiving feedback such as the horse lacking impulsion, the horse not forward enough or the horse is tense.

and we get it...

and we get it...

Maybe one of the challenges you may be experiencing is:

  • You have had a scary moment with your horse and lost your nerve ; 

  • You are getting frustrated that your horse isn’t cooperating with you 

  • You are feeling like you’re not good enough to work with your horse, it needs a better rider; 

  • You're just worried about doing harm to the horse or worse by the horse.

We ALL desire to have the confidence that the way we work with our horse will have a positive impact on their life, and confidence that the horse is consenting in their work.

We ALL desire to feel good about going out to do social competition and events like low level dressage, trails and obstacle days, and know that our horse enjoys it as much as we do. 

And really deep down inside, what you REALLY WANT is to be able to relax and feel safe with our horse and have trust and confidence in our horse, to feel like we are good enough to resolve our issues with our horses and to feel like we can continue to move forward and progress with our horses even though sometimes it can feel hard and like we are stuck.

To be able to navigate the challenges, learn and grow from them, and move forward together as a team and a stronger unit than we were before.

it’s about the unicorn dream

Those feelings are what we have achieved together with hundreds of horses and horse and rider combinations with the implementation of these exercises we will be sharing inside Holistic Equestrian & Dancing Unicorn.

Maybe you're thinking, “I should just send my horse to the trainers”. 

And we wholeheartedly advocate for you to get support when it is needed.

However, most horse problems are human problems, and your horse will come back to you with you having the same gaps in knowledge that you had when you sent your horse away that was preventing you from being easy for your horse to carry and understand.

Make the change

If you’re like me, you will see your current riding obstacle as an opportunity for growth and to improve yourself as a Holistic Equestrian, making yourself an easier rider for your horse to carry and move in rhythm with.

This is your chance to learn from me the exercises that will skyrocket your learning curve in an exceptionally short time. You will need to learn this to improve as a rider anyway!! Why not get all the exercises together in a logical progressive order and completed in 10 weeks?

And you can master the first pillar of the training scale “rhythm” as well as the theory of developing a horse that enjoys learning and movement for just 10 weekly instalments of $55, or pay in full for $495.

Select your payment Option


per week for 10 weeks


single, upfront payment

joining this first round

joining this first round ⋆

Bonus #1

Lifetime access to the Holistic Horse Handling Program ($1099 value)

  • Learn how to identify the postures and cues in your horse, so you can see relaxation and connection in your horse.

  • Discover the exercises that solidify your relationship with your horse, so that your horse sees you as a Compassionate Leader, and seeks you for direction and follows your lead.

  • Opening the pathway of communication, so that your horse understands you and you understand your horse.

  • Develop emotional agility skills to shift your horse out of frustration, fear, overwhelm and performance anxiety so that they can work with focus, relaxation and confidence.

  • Uncover our Holistic Horse Husbandry skills that allow us to offer our horses compassionate care in their daily routine.

Bonus #2

Buteyko Breathing with Horses ($350 value)

  • Full access to the series of exercises we use to build communication and connection through Buteyko breathwork.

  • Develop skills and body awareness through breathwork for nervous system regulation and co-regulation to support your, and your horse’s, relaxation capabilities.

  • Understand how to connect through the social engagement system, and release the tension that is preventing connection and quality relationships between you and your horse.

About me

Hi there! My name is Katie Boniface and I am your Holistic Equestrian coach!

With over 30 years experience riding, 20 years of coaching, backing and training, I have finally melded the concepts and principles of training and riding with the holistic principles learnt in my career as a naturopath and buteyko breathing practitioner. The nervous systems of mammals are always a part of communication. Integration and connection is found through accessing the social engagement system using breath and movement, and adding these elements to riding unlocks a magical experience with our horses that I teach in our holistic school of horse riding “Equestrian Spirit”... and I want to share that with you. 

Our mission is to change the way the horses are engaged in work so that for the horse, learning is fun, movement feels good and they WANT to be ridden. The industry is finally ready for change, and we are here to contribute our skills, experience and knowledge to the movement as we continue to collaborate with industry professionals and horse owners to be the change we want to see. We look forward to seeing you on the inside and becoming your support network as you develop the skills of connection, communication, relaxation and swing in the saddle.

Together, let's be the light that shines on the rest of an industry stuck in old practices of “power-over” tactics, and lead the way to a better future for our horses.


  • We would normally give you immediate access to the full programs upfront, however during this beta stage we are testing content and loading as we go.

    Therefore, you will receive access to selected lessons each week.

    After the 10 weeks, you will keep full access to the program and bonuses, plus any future improvements.

  • A full list of the lesson plans can be found here

  • These lessons will be delivered progressively over 10 weeks, and weekly coaching will occur live each week.

    But, if you can't make the live sessions, the recordings are loaded into the course after for you to review (or watch again).

    If you find you need to take a break from riding for a reason, you will keep access to the lesson plans so you can come back at a later date.

  • The Progam contains a mix of video and downloadable lesson plans, so you can watch the lesson in action, then take the lesson plans to the arena to practice!

  • That is possible, but not necessarily ideal as this program is in the initial beta testing stage.

    While all exercises have been used within our riding school, this is the first time they have been translated to an online format, so the purpose of this beta test is that you follow along with the weekly sessions and provide feedback or ask questions if something seems unclear, or if the demonstration video is not clear enough.

    However, if you find yourself needing to start later, the coaching calls will be available to listen to after the events.

  • That’s ok! We are here to support your journey. Every Holistic Equestrian Student has access to our coaching team to ask questions or get clarity. You can also share questions and videos via email.

  • That's simple! Just email sarah@equestrianmovement.com within the guarantee time period, and we will cancel and refund the program.