What is equestrian Spirit?
Equestrian Spirit is the philosophy that you can train your horse without fear, without punishment, and in complete unison of mind, body and emotion. To read more about who we are, click here.
where are you based?
South East Queensland in the Logan Village, not far from Brisbane and the Gold Coast.
what currency is your pricing?
All of our pricing is listed in Australian Dollars.
When Can I access my online course?
Once payment has cleared, you will be redirected to your purchased course. You should also receive an email with more details about accessing the programs.
If you have any issues, please contact us.
i purchased attendance at a workshop and now cannot attend - can i get a refund?
Please review our refund policy and contact us as soon as possible. We reserve the right to keep attendance fees for late cancellation or no-shows.
i purchased the wrong course- help!!
Please contact us immediately to discuss. You will loose immediate access to the incorrectly purchased course and a refund will be determined only after investigation of how long and what content was used or downloaded. We reserve the right to refuse refund if there is evidence the course has been used or content has been downloaded (yes, we can track that).
what do you do?
Currently we offer:
Online training courses
Physical Workshops (currently in SE Qld only)
Online Workshops
We have expanded our business to include a riding school and rehabilitation training centre, with the aim to help traumatised horses find a strong forever home.
what do your online courses cost?
The price of our programs vary, and can be viewed here.
What payment types do you accept?
Currently, we accept credit card payments for all payment types (one-off and payment plans), and Paypal for one-off payments only at this stage.
how long does it take to complete the course?
Our courses are designed in a “choose your own adventure” style. We never stop learning or teaching our horses, but the courses are designed so that you can tailor them specifically to your own horse for as long as you and your horse need to apply them.
I am having trouble logging into my account
Please see our HELP section for assistance, or contact us.