Managing Bold Behaviours Webinar Replay

Big behaviours our horses show us are scary!!

And even more intimidating is knowing the right way to handle them!!

The horse industry and science of training has shifted significantly in the last 10 years and the "power over" model of training ie. "push them through it", submission and control based training is becoming dated.

In this training we are going to cover some other training tools that you can add to your tool kit so that you can adapt your training to suit your horses unique, individual and personality based needs.

We are covering:

  • Attachment theory (ie does your horse feel safe, confident and relaxed with you?)

  • Cue training (ie does your horse understand what you are asking of them?)

  • Learning behaviours (is your horses behaviour escalating when they don't know what the right answer is?)

And how we can bring these 3 tools together in holistic horse training so that we have horses that have a positive work ethic, are confident and trusting, understand how to emotional reset and as a trainer you understand how to shape out a more positive interaction.

In this process we need a mindset shift away from the horse is just being naughty, push them through it, in to my horse is trying to communicate a need that is not met, how do I best support them?

Learn more about how you can manage these behaviours in a way that doesn't damage your horse's unique personality or learning here:


A discussion on bucking


Communication buttons and some of our student hiccups!