Behaviour and Emotional Conditioning Katie Boniface Behaviour and Emotional Conditioning Katie Boniface

When we give our horse a voice, we might not always like what they say

At Equestrian Movement, we are big on getting consent from the horse to be able to teach them. But what happens when they say no?

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One of the flow on affects that comes up as a result of working with me is that it becomes very difficult for us to work with a horse if it gives us anything other than an enthusiastic yes.

What I mean by difficult is that we become uncomfortable forcing or pushing them to do anything unless we know they are definitely challenging us and don’t have any underlying reason for that no.

Along with our leadership exercises, one of our first training tools is a cue that our horse can use to consent our asking something of them. We do this so that our horse can tell us no if they want to. '

Giving our horse the opportunity to say no:

  • Lets us address any legitimate reason they have for saying no. ie pain, discomfort, tack not fitting, not understanding or not being able to do what we ask.

  • Lets them have a say in what happens to them. Gives them some control over what we do to them and therefore can deescalate naughty or dangerous behaviour.

  • Help us decide if they are directly challenging us and need to be “worked through” or if there is something we are missing that they are trying to communicate to us.

For most of the horses we’ve worked with they have had a very “because I say so” approach to their training, which can work to a point but isn’t helpful if the horse is having a problem or if the rider can’t actually follow through on their “because I say so” and gets nervous or scared.

What we do is give them the opportunity to say no and use our other training tools to encourage a yes.

When we first give these horses the option to say no, they say no - A LOT!!!! To everything!!!

And this is why they haven’t been given the option to say no before. Because most riders don’t know what to do with a no and are told their horse is just taking the piss or being naughty, even when the horse legitimately isn’t coping with its' training.

It doesn’t mean that we let our horse walk all over us and get away with everything.

We have a couple of very simple exercises that we use with our horse as a way of establishing manners and discipline. We then work with our horses on establishing consent for each ask. And then we try to making learning and the training environment positive and enjoyable to the horse.

And then - TA DA - we have true willingness and not just submission and forced yeses.

Would you like to communicate for effectively and create more willingness with your horse? Have a look at our Training Trainability membership, which takes you through how to develop respect and consent from your horse, and can get you on your way to having wins in as little as a single session!

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Behaviour and Emotional Conditioning Sarah Gallagher Behaviour and Emotional Conditioning Sarah Gallagher

The Importance of Trust With Your Training

Does your horse trust you?

Does your horse trust you?

Trust has in important aspect in your training - it determines whether or not you are going to have a willing horse or a resistant horse.

And a resistant horse isn’t always the horse that is being ‘naughty’. A resistant horse is usually a scared horse, or a shut down horse (read how to identify a shut down horse here).

When we focus on building trust with our horses, it leads to a horse that is willing to work with us, because it trusts that should anything be really scary or dangerous, you will keep it safe.

It is unfortunate that so many trainers expect that EVERY horse will do EVERYTHING they throw that horses way - without spending the time building up a level of trust. That may be fine for some horses but for others it just leads to a meltdown. If that meltdown is shown externally, the horse is deemed crazy or dangerous. If the meltdown is kept internal, the horse is labelled bombproof and sent on it’s way - usually to a home that ends up having to fix all the problems that then follow (or being rehomed again and again until someone either identifies the issues and works to fix them or the horse is sent to the doggers).

Spending time working on trust is one of the most important things you can ever do for the safety and longevity of your horse.

Develop trust and other foundation training skill in our Training Trainability Program

Click here to view the course

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Behaviour and Emotional Conditioning Sarah Gallagher Behaviour and Emotional Conditioning Sarah Gallagher

Is Negative Reinforcement Really So Negative?

If you have ever heard of negative reinforcement, chances are you may think it’s an unpleasant way to train your horse. What if I told you that isn’t necessarily true?

Have you ever wondered if the training you are doing with your horse is considered positive or negative?

Have you ever heard someone strongly debate the fact that negative reinforcement used in training is a form of punishment and therefore cruel?

Negative reinforcement does offer some confusion, given the name implies it is already unpleasant. So let’s delve a little deeper into what it is, how it differs from positive reinforcement and punishment, and when you may be using it with your training.

Negative Reinforcement in horse training

What Is Negative Reinforcement

Negative reinforcement is a training tool that SUBTRACTS an stimulu, usually a level of discomfort, in response to a desired learned behaviour.

AHA! There it is, that word! Discomfort!

But let’s delve a little deeper into the that as well.

The adverse stimuli, or discomfort, doesn’t necessarily mean HARMFUL. Let’s think of a few human experiences where negative reinforcement comes into play:

  • On a certain day of the week, you leave home earlier to avoid particularly bad traffic. Leaving home early is the learned behaviour, and bad traffic is the negative stimulus or discomfort.

  • You partner or housemate rinses their dishes in the sink before loading the dishwasher, to stop you from complaining. Washing the dishes is the desired learned behaviour, your complaining is the negative stimulus.

  • You grab a child’s arm (negative stimulus) to stop them from going near the kitchen near the stove, and release when they go the other way (desired behaviour). (Note, this may take many tries. Thank goodness I work with horses, as they are usually quicker at catching on!)

When we apply these examples to horse training, you get:

  • Pull on the reins (negative stimuli) to make the horse stop (desired behaviour). When the horse stops, we stop pulling on the reins - thus, making it negative reinforcement.

  • Applying pressure with the legs to make the horse go. When the horse moves, we stop applying that pressure.

See where I’m going with this?

The big issue is when people confuse negative reinforcement with punishment, and vice versa.

Begin training your horse the CORRECT way

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What Is Punishment?

Punishment, on the other hand, is the infliction of discomfort in RETRIBUTION for an offence, which, in the case of training, is not complying with the desired behaviour. The level of discomfort is also usually excessive than required if negative reinforcement was used.

To take one of the human examples, punishment would be to continue to shout and nag at your partner/housemate regarding the dishes, even after they get up and do them. Or to continue to shout and nag at them because it’s not “good enough” even though they are trying their best. And then continue to hound and nag at them for more tasks to be done with no appreciation of the effort they’ve already given.

In the case of the use of punishment in horse training, I can see you now conjuring the trainers or riders using excessive force with whips and spurs, buying stronger bits and nose bands and generally bullying into submission. Perhaps even using whips around the head for a horse not behaving, or locking the horse up and not feeding them. Not only are these methods unethical, but you cannot teach a behaviour using them - in fact, you weaken the behaviour, or weaken the personality that will exhibit the behaviour.

And this isn’t what horse training should be about.

Positive Reinforcement in horse training

What About Positive Reinforcement?

This one tends to make us feel warm and fuzzy, simply because of the word positive. And to be honest, it is a critical tool in the trainers box that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Positive reinforcement is to use a REWARD for the application of a desired behaviour.

In people world, when someone thanks you (hopefully) for holding the elevator doors open, that is positive reinforcement. You are more likely to repeat the behaviour as you received a positive stimuli in response.

We use positive reinforcement with our horses when we:

  • Give them a treat for standing still when catching them in the paddock

  • Give them a pat and a kind word for trying or executing the requested exercise.

To use solely positive reinforcement with an animal that outweighs you 5 to 1 is unlikely to succeed quickly (or safely), but a combination of positive and negative reinforcement, with the exclusion of punishment, will provide a safe, stable and comfortable training experience for both horse and human. Therefore, the correct use of negative reinforcement can be classified as positive training.

One last thought…

The trick to using positive and negative reinforcement correctly is to not become emotionally engaged in your horses behaviour or results (i.e. frustrated and angry) this creates a situation where either you must win or the horse will win. We are creating a situation where we both win because what we want and what the horse wants are the same thing.

Be clear in your own mind about what you are trying to achieve with your horse, the purpose of the exercise, what the pressure will be applied for and what it will be released for.

Be ready to adjust your expectations to what your horse gives you willingly.

Timing and follow through. This is key to the success of negative and positive reinforcement. We have to time the release and reward for the behaviour we want and maintain the pressure for the behaviour we don’t want.

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