The top questions Powerfully Connected Equestrians ask their horses...

Have you ever wondered why your horse does or does not (insert your own choice of action)?

This is actually a very common thread on many horse groups we see, whether it is why wont my horse relax, how can I get my horse to stand still at the mounting block, or why does my horse paw at the ground.

But what if I give you some different questions to ponder...

🦄 Is your horse positively engaged in learning? ⁠

🦄 Are they seeking answers? ⁠

🦄 How are you motivating them to stay engaged in communication with you? ⁠

🦄 What do they like?⁠

🦄 What don't they like? ⁠

🦄 What lights them up? ⁠

🦄 What shuts them down? ⁠

🦄 How long does it take them to process an ask?⁠

🦄 How do they liked to be asked? ⁠

🦄 What are their triggers? ⁠

🦄 What makes them scared? ⁠

🦄 What builds their confidence? ⁠

🦄 How do they test boundaries? ⁠

🦄 What damages their trust and creates little tears in your relationship with them?⁠

If you're still with me 👏👏👏👏⁠
⁠Every single one of these questions is better than why won't my horse "x, y, z." 

The quality of your training and the quality of the results is defined by the quality of the questions you ask. 

How many of these questions do you have solid 10/10 confidence in the answer?⁠


The "secret sauce" for creating calm, relaxed horses


What does submission to the bit look like?