What a confident horse looks like...

Do you know what an all-rounder confident horse truly looks like?

Nope, not talking about the horse that will just do anything because you said so. Or that horse that is willing to push it’s paddock buddies (and you) around. And definitely not the horse that is willing to take you out. In fact, those are all signs of some form of insecurity.

A truly confident horse:

  • Has confidence in themself;

  • Has confidence in you; AND

  • Has confidence in you together as a team.

This horse is comfortable expressing it’s needs, asking for time to process its learning and stressors, and has built mechanisms to help it emotionally regulate.

This horse is confident in you, as a compassionate leader. It is confident you will listen and support when asked. It is confident that you will not place them in a situation that will overface them - and help them if those situations do arise.

This horse is confident in the powerfully connected team YOU have created. And you have the confidence knowing you were intergral in the development of THIS HORSE.

Want to see what some of these horses look like?

Check out the relaxed, confident horses at their first obstacle course adventure below! From scary bridges and wobbly see-saws, to tarp curtains and noodle-gates, these horses all displayed confidence in themselves, their handler and the team.

So how do you achieve this powerfully connected team filled with confidence in each other? There are several key components inside the Holistic Horse Handling Methodology that we focus on when building confidence:

  • Build a process of communication and consent;

  • Create a learning environment and relaxation cue;

  • Teach curiosity to help your horse cope with the strange environmental challenges they will inevitably come across; and

  • Be the human your horse needs you to be!

Confidence is a team effort. Are you ready to be a powerfully connected team?

Photos by Rhiannon Kelly Photography.


Learning with games


Problem Horse Series: My horse spooks at EVERYTHING!!!