Equestrian Movement

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When was the last time you had fun with your horse?

When was the last time you had fun with your horse?

After all, it’s the reason we want to work with them, right?

For so many Conflicted Equestrians, having fun with their horse is something that hasn’t happened in a while.

  • They have seen a behaviour that scares them, and they are reminded of that EVERY TIME they work with their horse;

  • They have experienced a situation with their horse and just aren’t sure what “went wrong”, so don’t know how to move past it;

  • They have started to feel doubt in their ability to work with their horse.

And it doesn’t matter how much you SHOULD know, how long you have been a rider or handler, or even how long you have been with your horse. It doesn’t matter if you had everything under control before the shit-storm. When you get stuck in the loop of doubt, fear, worry and anxiety, you bring conflict to your equestrian team - equally as much if not more than when your own horse brings those same feelings.

I have a confession to make. Recently, I had been considering if I need to take a break from horses. Yep, the Eccentric Equestrian Enthusiast Sarah has been genuinely and silently thinking about taking a good, long break from the ponies.

It started when some things didn’t go quite right while Gunner and I were levelling up. I side-tracked the level up instead of returning to where we were both comfortable - and that is when my own head got in the way. I was already feeling exhausted, and the internal conflict that kept happening in my head when I thought about riding was making me wonder if it was all really worth it.

But now I’m glad I didn’t go ahead with that break. So what changed?

I had fun with some no pressure, no “work” activity with Gunner.

By doing that, I remembered how much we enjoy being with each other. How quirky his personality is. How much we have both changed and grown together. How many skills I actually have…

All because of one simple in-hand adventure in the somewhat soggy back paddock. That was my reset moment.

So I have to ask you - when was the last time you hit reset on your relationship with your horse and just had fun? Share your experiences in the comments below!