Equestrian Movement

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What is connection Training?

Have you ever heard of connection training?

If not, you're missing out on a revolutionary approach to working with horses that is all about building a relationship based on trust, communication, and mutual respect.

At its core, connection training is all about empowering horses by giving them choices in everything they do during training, from where they stand to what exercises they do. By doing this, it creates a sense of trust between horse and human and leads to a deeper partnership. Unlike traditional training methods that use punishment or force, connection training emphasizes positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise, to promote relaxation and confidence in the horse.

Whether you are already a rider or an aspiring one, you will be intrigued by the benefits of connection training for both horses and humans. Being a coach means I get to see it from the outside but also experience it myself, watching the horses respond to the student’s cues and move their bodies in different ways.

And as a closing remark, Connection Training is like a great first date with a horse - it's all about building a strong, trusting relationship. Instead of trying to impress the horse with flashy moves or brute force, Connection Training uses positive reinforcement to show the horse that they're valued and respected. It's like saying "Hey, I'm interested in getting to know you on your terms, and I'm willing to work at it."

And just like a great first date, Connection Training can leave you feeling relaxed, happy, and eager for the next one!

Keen to start yourself? Grab access to the free Building Connection Training to provide insight and direction on your first steps here.