Equestrian Movement

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Is your horse close to threshold?

Horses are really amazing for showing us if they are relaxed, relaxing or needing to release tension. The problem is, we don't get taught it!!

There are 2 very obvious pathways of nervous system function, fight, flight or freeze and rest and digest and the 2 don't work well at the same time. Fight, flight or freeze is the survival mode triggered where they feel threatened and are reactive and it turns off digestive function. Whereas rest and digest, the horse feels safe to relax and eat and it switches on digestive function.

When our horse is in fight, flight or freeze their mouth and jaw clamp shut so when they are shifting out of this in to rest and digest we see very clear signals of the digestive system switching back on. The whiskers twitch, the nerves up the side of the mouth quiver and then we see the jaw soften and the licking, mouthing and chewing. They might rub their nose on their leg in the process, shift their balance, shake the tension out of their neck and ears and gently swish their tail.

We do a lot of work on this with our horses because this will translate in to the saddle. If your horse is holding mental tension it will translate in to the saddle as their neck and jaw locking on to the bit and physical tension in their body.

Want to learn more? Register on our waitlist for the next time enrolments open to the Holistic Horse Handling Program.

Or you can view our training on desensitisation here