Equestrian Movement

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Removing the safety net

There is a time in every riders life when the training wheels come off, the safety net is rolled up, and you have to put on your big girl knickers. In fact, as a riding coach, this is my ultimate goal - for my riders not to have to rely on me anymore!

But how do you know when you are ready? Ready to work without a coach 100% of the time. Ready to move forward without someone to help you each time things DON'T go to plan. Ready to step up during every moment when you just want to hide in the corner because things just seem so hard? The confidence she has developed and Gunner has developed in her is astounding.

There is no specific date or time that a person should feel they are ready, because every journey is different. Every horse is different. But there is a specific tell for when someone is ready - and that is when they are confidentally navigating the foundation skills of holistic horse handling methodology, and can confidentally apply them to their individual horse.

I've watched Sarah in the last 12+ months find that independence and drop the safety net (we spoke about it in the latest podcast - link in the bio), and I can tell you that we are both chuffed with the results.

Do you want to start lowering your safety net too? Register for the Holistic Horse Handling Program waitlist!