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Essential Steps Before Training Behaviors With Katie

As a professional in the field, I frequently encounter various problem behaviours in animals. In fact, I am regularly referred to when people are dealing with issues with their horse.

There are certain aspects I always review before jumping into the process of shaping behaviours and resolving issues. In this blog post, we will delve into important considerations that need to be explored before embarking on behaviour training. Let's dive in!

1. Understanding the Individual:

Before training any behaviour, it is essential to comprehend the unique characteristics, needs, and background of the animal in question. Each animal possesses its own temperament, history, and learning style. 

By taking the time to evaluate these aspects, we can tailor the training approach to suit the individual animal's requirements, maximising the chances of success.

2. Establishing Trust and Building a Bond:

Building a strong bond based on trust is the foundation for effective behaviour training. It is crucial to create a positive association with the animal and use reward-based methods. 

Through praise, treats, and positive reinforcement, we can foster trust and strengthen the relationship between the animal and the trainer. This connection is pivotal in motivating the animal to participate willingly in the training process.

3. Assessing the Environment:

The environment plays a vital role in an animal's behaviour. Before addressing specific behaviours, it is crucial to evaluate the physical and social environment the animal is exposed to. 

Identifying potential stressors, triggers, or factors contributing to the undesired behaviour enables us to modify the environment and create a more conducive setting for training. This proactive approach helps set the animal up for success and reduces the likelihood of regression.

4. Health and Wellness Considerations:

An animal's physical and mental well-being significantly impacts their behaviour. Before commencing behaviour training, it is imperative to ensure that the animal is in good health and free from any underlying medical conditions that might contribute to problem behaviours.

A visit to a veterinarian is recommended to rule out any potential health issues that could affect the training process.

5. Identifying and Managing Reinforcers:

Understanding what motivates an animal is essential for successful behaviour training. Identifying the animal's preferred reinforcers—whether they are food, play, praise, or other forms of positive reinforcement—allows us to tailor the training to their specific needs and preferences. 

Consistently using these reinforcers helps maintain the animal's engagement and encourages the desired behaviours.

6. Setting Realistic Goals:

Clear and realistic goals are essential for effective behaviour training. Before addressing any specific problems, it is vital to establish achievable objectives based on the animal's capabilities and limitations. 

By breaking down complex behaviours into smaller, manageable steps, we can make the training process less overwhelming for both the animal and the trainer. You just have to take worming as an example - how many steps do you think you have to make to achieve this, and how many skills does your horse need to be able to handle being wormed?

Addressing problem behaviours in animals requires a thoughtful and holistic approach. 

By considering these essential steps before training behaviours, we can enhance the chances of success while creating a positive and enriching experience for both the animal and the trainer. 

Understanding the individual, building trust, assessing the environment, prioritising health and wellness, identifying reinforcers, and setting realistic goals are crucial elements to address before embarking on behaviour training. By investing time and effort in these preparatory stages, we lay the groundwork for a fruitful training journey.